Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back in the game

Today I got a chance to work on the song again! I layed down a relatively clean guitar track along with the first two tracks, and then I recorded a distorted guitar track along to only the original first track, which is the "directing" track for the main melodies. This distortion sounded BIG, because it's a dirty amp model (I forget which one) plus a distortion pedal model "based on" the Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi. I may have to pick up the real thing someday, judging from the sound of this digital re-creation. Now I have 4 tracks to work with, with different levels of improvisation making wildly curving paths that meet, then go off again.
Soon I'll listen to what I've wrought, then start finding and isolating the best bits to use as melody segments that I'll put into the grid pattern that is the session view in Ableton Live. I'm glad to have actually made progress today!!

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